Rebuild Editor

By default at the first time you create module, system will generate files such controller , model , index, form and view . Ofcourse when application in development mode , there're possibility you made some changes from table , form grid etc. We try to cover this possibility by adding rebuild modules features

Database table syncronize

Next, when you have current module with table A then you alter table,( insert or delete fields from current database ), this will make module error

Go to : Control Panel -> Code Builder -> Your module -> Click button gear -> SQL

RE-Save your SQL stament , the system will collect new information from your table fields . Once you done , then you have to rebuild files Model , View and Form

Rebuild Form

After you made changes for setting/design you have to rebuild form files

Rebuild View Detail

After you made changes at table settting for view detail you have to rebuild view files

Rebuild Grid Table and controller

Little posibility to rebuild controller and index table, since we design controller and index table works automatic reading realtime module configuration . so when you need to rebuild both controller and index table ? Usualy when you updrade version