Requirment & Installation

To make Sximo Builder running on your end, you need to make sure your server match with minimum requirment

  • pache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
  • PPHP >= 7.1.x
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • MySQL Database server
  • Module Re_write server
  • PHP_CURL Module Enable


Preparing Installation

Download ZIP package and unzip it.

Inside unzipped folder you will find folder directory like bellow.



Create new app directory on your web directory server

Simply put all files inside directory sximo5xx to your app folder.

Create new database installation

You need to create new database , you can use phpmyadmin or any mysql databse tools such maestro , sqlyog etc

After new database created , now import database/database.sql file into your new database 

Configuration Installation 

  1. Open config/app.php file using your favorite php editor 

  2. Setting Url And Licence
    'url' => '',

  3. Setting Database Info
    Open .env file using your favorite php editor

  4. Access your application
    Now access your application via your favorite browser

    Default Login :
    Email Address :
    Password : password

  5.  Files Folder permission
    please make sure to set permission to 0775 at following file and folder on linux/unix server


Page not found after click any link
You need to make sure enabling module apache re_write module to make sure htaccess working